bodies change.
From healthy to injured and back again, from pregnancy to new motherhood, from high activity to low activity, your body changes as your life changes. It can be difficult, painful or scary to experience your body changing, but you’re not alone.
I offer a variety of health and healing services that create a safe place for playful discovery of ones physical body, to deepen the mind-body connection, and support your body through life's transitions.
my services
By using a combination of massage therapy, custom yoga instruction, and reiki, I help clients learn more about their own bodies, empowering them to be in control of their health in between sessions, and long after.

my story
Working as R.M.T has allowed me to connect with humans of all ages and walks of life. You begin to notice the patterns. We are all the same. We have so much to learn from another. So many of us are disconnected from our mind & body. The mental health crises is real. Yoga to me is a tool to allow you to take a part of your busy life just for yourself. Meditation is hard, yoga allows us to breath out that restless energy so we are able to sit in silence with ourselves. Breath is the first tool to help us connect to our inner and outer bodies.
teams I've worked with

professional bio
I graduated from ICT Northumberland College - School of Massage Therapy in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 2017. An active child, I was involved in many different sports growing up and benefited from massage therapy treatments. Studying to become a massage therapist was an extension of my interests in anatomy and physiology. I take great pride in my career and feel so fortunate to be growing in my understanding and knowledge of our bodies.
Two years ago I expanded upon my interest in pregnancy and birth to begin studying towards a Birth Doula Certificate which enabled me to provide both educational and physical support to women prior to, as well as, during birthing. Recently I completed my Post-Partum Doula Certificate which facilitates my supporting family members in their transition of adding a new baby to their family.
As a part of my own self exploration I began the daily practice of Yoga three years ago and in the summer of 2021 I completed my Yoga instructors intensive 200 hour course. As well, I am a certified Level 2 Reiki practitioner - assisting my clients in a holistic manner to help reduce the body of stress and promote healing.
Give your body the
kindness it's craving.
I look forward to helping you get to know your body,
and empowering you to heal.